Online Tuition Policy

Please read through all of this before booking your first lesson! You will be asked to confirm that you have read them before lessons start.

General Points

Be on time and prepared with your device charged. Close all materials and tabs of other classes. Make sure all tech works 5-10 minutes before the meeting.

Find a good spot in the home with few distractions.


I use Zoom for all online tuition. Please make sure you have created an account and download the app beforehand.
CLICK HERE for the link.

A laptop is the most effective way to engage with the lesson, an iPad can work ok, but a phone tends to be too small to see the detail necessary for more precise demonstrations.


All bookings take place through the form on my website. CLICK HERE to find it!!

First Lesson

Online lessons are different to being taught in person, and they can take some getting used to - especially if you have had lesson in person up to this point. If after the first lesson you feel that they aren’t for you, you may claim a full refund. Note: this applies to the first lesson only.


1 hour: £38

30 mins: £20

These are liable to change at any time

Payments are to be made in advance, at the time of booking.

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel a lesson, you must give me at least 24hrs notice in order to claim a refund. 

Not practising is not a reason to cancel a lesson, even if you have found it hard to get any playing done between lessons, there is still a lot we can focus on. It is far more beneficial to your playing to keep the flow of regular lessons rather than skip one.

I am not obliged to to make up lessons or offer credit for missed lessons.

It is the students responsibility to arrive at the lesson on time. There may be students waiting for their lesson after yours, so I can not guarantee a full lesson if you are late to joining the session.

If you are not online within 15 minutes of the start of the lesson, the lesson and payment will be forfeited.

Internet Connection

Please ensure that your connection is strong and stable enough to last the hour’s lesson before logging on. If the lesson begins and your connection causes it to stop, you will still be charged. If my connection results in an interruption long enough to cause the lesson to stop, we will reschedule at the earliest mutually convenient opportunity. 

I will email you immediately should the lack of connection force us to lose contact.


Make sure you and your instrument are close enough to the microphone to be clearly heard (special microphones are not necessary). 

A good pair of over-ear headphones are strongly recommended, especially for bassists.

I will email you any specific MP3s or PDFs either during the session, or beforehand if possible. Please make sure you have easy access to these.